Written by
Elder Dallin Remund, serving in the Virginia Chesapeake Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, speaking Spanish.
(Note to reader: Clicking on highlighted words will link to additional information. Some names are omitted for privacy. Clicking on photos will enlarge them.)
I'm sorry I didn't get to y'all last week. The inbox was full and I got a little carried away typing up emails. Nonetheless, I'm doing really good.
Easter dinner with the Ramirez family |
The past two weeks we've stayed busy, busy, busy with lots of
service opportunities. Some days we're moving out boxes, other days we're painting walls, and others we're mowing a lawn and putting in floors. On Saturday, we helped out with the
Bishop's Storehouse. Really neat experiences. I love service!
Besides our regular appointments with E** and M**, who are so solid, we had some really neat teaching appointments. We met up with F** once again and invited him to be
baptized. He said he would do it with his eyes closed! He should be coming to church this week. When we brought up
Joseph Smith in the
Restoration lesson, he talked about how he had already learned about him from his
member friends in Puerto Rico. He said that he has felt like Joseph a lot with his religious questions.
Enchiladas con mole - so good!! |
We went tracting yesterday in Yorktown the last hour. We weren't exactly sure where to go, but there happened to be a half-Hispanic, half-Vietnamese family in a trailer we thought was American. The woman's name is A*** and she's from Mexico. She is Baptist, but really open to listening to our message. We were teaching the Restoration and we got to the point where we share
Moroni 10:3-5. Right after I read verse 5 where it explains that the
Holy Ghost will tell you the truth of all things. She said "Oh, is the Spirit when you get those good feelings?" We explained that it is and that it's
God's way of telling us something is true or not. She said she felt it when we read verse 5 and also when she heard the story of the
First Vision. The Spirit was very strong and you could tell that she was being taught by the Holy Ghost. She said that she would read the
Book of Mormon and keep meeting with us. It was so amazing.
Missionary work is the best!
Happy kids from the Spanish congregation, getting ready for
the Easter egg hunt. They are so fun to be around! |
We had a little
Easter Egg Hunt and lunch with some members of our congregation yesterday. We also went over to a recent convert family's house for dinner. They made us enchiladas with mole. Basically tortillas with chicken and 'mole'- a sauce used in Mexican dishes. This sauce actually had a tinge of chocolate in it. The Hispanics know how to cook! The family that made them is so solid. We had a wonderful lesson with them. Their testimonies are so strong.
Well, I hope y'all have a great week. Can't wait to hear from y'all.
Con mi amor,
Elder Remund
We Thank Thee, O God, For a Prophet (April 7, 2014)
Oh, There's Sunshine! (April 28, 2014)
Right next to the James River...Yes! That's a river! |