(Note to reader: Some names are omitted for privacy. Clicking on highlighted words will link to additional information.)
Hey y'all.
I'm going to have to make this email a little shorter. We're short on time. There are some preparation days where there is just too much to do!
We had a great week. We had three of our progressing investigators come to church. E**, M**, and their nephew, R**. The group gets bigger and bigger each week. M**'s about to have her baby this week, so we've been working with the branch to have them help out their family when the baby comes. Their whole family is an absolute miracle. We found them from a Mormon.org referral. Never doubt those pass along cards because that website might be just what a truth seeker needs to find the missionaries. We go lots of places, but we can't hit everywhere!
We had a blast today, by the way. Six of us missionaries went out to Tucano's for the birthday of an Elder who lives in our apartment. It's the first Tucano's restaurant on the whole East Coast, and it happens to be in Newport News. It was all you can eat Brazilian churrasco and lemonade... A little bit of heaven on earth there, for sure.

I've been getting lots of letters lately and I so appreciate it. Forgive me if I don't write back right away. Preparation days are a bit busier up here in Virginia. I love each and every one of you. Thanks for your love and prayers.
Con mi amor,
Elder Remund
Happy Valentine's Week
Pray, He is There!