Hola familia y amigos!
We had a crazy week this week! First off, we had intercambios (interchanges) and I was with the new Sister Training Leader in our area, Hermana Lucas. We had a great time! She is 19 and from Guatemala. Her accent is amazing! Seriously! It's weird that I can tell that there are different accents in Spanish now… I must be getting the hang of this language! Haha! She rolls her “R”s like a charm! Oh! Speaking of rolling “R”s…. I can officially roll mine when I say “arroz” (rice!) haha! Step by step, guys, and patience! One day I won't sound too American :)
J** has been super sick this week, but with lots of prayers, she was able to come to church yesterday to be confirmed! Woohoo! She is still sick, but at least she has completed the baptism process!
So, its been really hot, right?? Well, we woke up to the alarm this morning at 6:45 to exercise at 7 a.m., and we thought it was like 4 a.m.! It was super dark outside and super, duper cold! And to this moment, we still have clouds and chilly weather! Wow! This is a nice change though… we are not complaining!
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Me and cute Hermana Pereita right before she left to travel home to Paraguay at the end of her mission! |
We found seven new investigators this week! WOOHOO!! Two of them are kind of sad stories, but I hope that the Gospel can help them in their lives. The first is a girl who is 15 years old (as of 2 months ago) and has a 3 month old baby. She is a less active member of our church, but she said she wants to try to go to church again. It's hard on her to not have friends and now have a baby in the mix of things too… poor thing. Another girl that we met is 19 years old, and she has a 3 year old and an 18 month old. She is an investigator, and she and her boyfriend are amazing and super receptive! We are thinking we can get them to set a date to get married soon, and then be baptized! The Gospel can help anyone guys, no matter what their situation!!
Well, yesterday Hermana Puertas hit the half way mark in her mission! It feels like just yesterday that she got here, a super newbie in Ovalle with me, and she only had 6 months in the mission! Time is flying…I cant believe it!
OH! By the way…for all of you who don't know, it's my super cute baby brother's birthday today! Happy Birthday, Jakey!! My little brown baby! :) I hope you get spoiled rotten for your birthday! I remember the days when you were my sidekick and played dress up with me…And now we are serving missions in Peru and Chile! AHH! When did we get sooo old?!? Haha!
Well guys, that's all I have for this week! The church is true! Remember that anything that we need or ask for will be given to us if we ask with a sincere heart and real intent! Have faith, stay strong, and I will talk to you in a week! Love you!
Hermana Avery
Birthday Week Surprise (February 3, 2014)
The Strength of the Lord (February 17, 2014)