Hello family and friends!
We had a LONG week this week, but a great one! First off, I had my 21st birthday... and I feel SOOOO old...haha! We celebrated all day with people in the ward, and finished off with a surprise birthday party with the Pujado family! They had all kinds of treats and goodies for me, and a long banner of balloons that said, “Feliz CumpleaƱos, Hermana Avery!” Oh my goodness! They are seriously the sweetest family ever!!
Oh! Duh, I should also tell you that I was NOT transferred this week, and am STILL in good ol' Ovalle, Chile! WOOHOO! Hermana Puertas and I are the best of friends, and I am so grateful to be with her in Ovalle for another 6 weeks! :)
We did a LOT of teaching this week...we had about 22 lessons, and that's not including less active members (this mean members of the church who do not attend very often)!! We worked our tails off! Haha!

Well guys, have a FABULOUS week, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ON WEDNESDAY, MAMA! You are my heart! Party lots, haha! I love you guys sooo much and miss you like crazy! I will talk to you all in a week!
Thoughts on the Atonement (January 27, 2014)
Chilly in Chile (February 10, 2014)