Written by
Elder Jacob Avery, serving in the Peru Lima West Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, speaking Spanish.
I remember when the Seahawks lost to the Steelers. It's about time they won a Super Bowl and, as a bonus, they beat the Broncos :) The other day, a Peruvian kid asked me, ''What's the Super Bowl like?'' I told it to him like it is: "The Super Bowl is the most magical cultural day in America, but seems to break the Sabbath. But, it's a great way to break a fast." I think I confused him...

This week, we were passing by a house one afternoon and saw a family. A complete family! This is the stuff of legends. We walked right by them because this was the biggest black man I've seen in seven months. He was huge and shirtless, with earrings, tattoos, and his tiny baby in one of his enormous hands. His wife just glared at us. After we walked by, we stopped and gave each other some semblance of a pep talk, and then convinced ourselves that
the Lord had put them in our path and we must talk to them. I went in, I'll be honest, with my head down. I had that giggly fear kind of feeling, and couldn't even look into his eyes. I don't remember what we said, but immediately he smiled and greeted us. He told us he's a security guard (no surprise there!) and that he used to be Catholic but has kind of slacked off with church. It was awesome to see him playing with his kids, and he joked around with us for a few minutes. We were able to get an appointment for Tuesday.
This is an example of when we really need to act on what we pray for. We've been praying for families to teach, and even when we have our fears and doubts, we should be confident and act on the answers that the Lord gives us.
Have a great week everyone! We have a goal of seven baptisms this month and I'm sure that we can do it.
Blessings and best wishes!
Elder Avery
Something's Fishy (January 27, 2014)
Happy Birthday to Me! (February 10, 2014)