Written by
Sister Hannah Avery, serving in the Chile Vina del Mar Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, speaking Spanish.
(Note to reader; Some names are omitted for privacy. Clicking on highlighted words will link to additional information. Clicking on photos will enlarge them.)
Wow, what a crazy fast week! Seriously, we are coming to the end of the transfer again! Wow! I can't believe it… and the hard part this time is that I think that I am leaving Ovalle this transfer. This girl has been cookin´ here for a long time! The good thing is, that it is always an adventure in the mission, and there are people in other areas waiting to hear the

We found an investigator who is GOLD!! She is amazing… Literally. The PERFECT investigator! Her name is M**, and she is about 45 years old. We found her as we were knocking on doors last week and have taught her three times already! She is reading the scriptures, praying, and even came to church on Sunday! She only has to come to church two more times, and she can be
baptized! We keep talking to her about her baptism, and she is getting more and more excited. She investigated the church about three years ago, but stopped going when she felt that she didn't have any friends in the church. When she came this Sunday, EVERYONE talked to her and she felt soooo comfortable! She told us that she feels like the people in the
branch are like a family, and she just barely met them this week! Wow, it never ceases to amaze me how
the Lord truly prepares people's hearts at the proper time to receive the gospel!

It is starting to get colder in the mornings and nights here. It has been cloudy all day today. We had another district activity today in the
Valle del Encanto again! It wasn't new for me, since I have been once before at the very beginning of the mission, but it's a fun hike, and we had “asada” afterwards! (basically, the best BBQ of pretty much every meat you can every think of!) hahaha! Chileans surely know how to eat! Hermana Puertas and I didn't have hardly anything, but the
Elders ate like eight chicken legs each, beef, and at least four chorizos (sausages) a piece! They reminded me of three boys at home... Hahahha! The boys would love the food here!! I am trying to learn how to make lots of different things, but it's hard to do sometimes. They prepare food for hours here, but it is amazing :)
Well, you guys are awesome! Thank you for all you do for me, and for all of your thoughts and prayers! They never go unnoticed! You are all in my every thought and prayer! Have a great week, and I will talk to you next week!! Les quiero mucho! ¡Ciao!
Con mucho amor, Hermana Avery
P.S. Sofia's and Catalina's dog Perla had six black puppies this week! haha! They just barely found out she was pregnant like two weeks ago! Whoops! LOL! They are sooo cute! Just the size of my hand!
Strength of the Lord (February 17, 2014)
The Power of Prayer (March 3, 2014)