Hey y'all!!!!
Oh boy, well this week was just insane. Lots of fun. One of the most memorable weeks I have had in Albertson! Things were going about normal the beginning of the week, until Mother Nature turned on us. A big ice/snow storm hit us Tuesday night and the whole mission put a ban on driving. I got to see snow for the first time in almost a year. SO fun.
The first day of snow we went out and had deer stew and snow cream at a member's house. For those of you Utahns who don't know, Southerners take snow and whip it together with eggs, sugar, and sweetened condensed milk and call it snow cream. I liked it pretty good. We went without a car for three days straight because the roads were just too dangerous. Needless to say, Elder Lovell and I got pretty creative trying to stay busy without a car in the country.
A little update on R**, she is still doing good, but she got a job that has her work on Sunday now. So we are praying that she will pull through and find a new job!
Saturday, we went to a baptism in Greenville (Elder Lovell, my companion's, last area). They baptized a part member (this means there was already a member of the church in their family) Hispanic family, and the Spirit was so strong. They are planning on going the temple in a year. The missionaries had worked with this man and his daughter for years, and they finally decided to be baptized. Never give up on the people you don't think are ready yet!

Along with that, I will be serving in a Spanish speaking branch, one of the two Spanish branches in our mission. I feel so blessed to be able to be immersed in some Spanish after having seven months of working with Hispanics in an English speaking ward.
I am going to miss Albertson so much. I have fallen in love with North Carolina and the humble, spiritual powerhouses that are in this ward. Saying goodbye is really hard, but I know I'll be able to go back and visit them again one day.

You can still write me at the mission office address:
Elder Dallin Remund
Virginia Chesapeake Mission
1115 Cherokee Road
Portsmouth, VA 23701
Les quiero mucho,
Elder Remund
Sending Love from Duplin County, NC
Commencement of Adventures in Newport News