Buenas Tardes mi Amoroso Familia!!

Thank you for the letters. I finally received both packages this week! Merry Christmas, New Year and Valentine's Day all in one night! haha!
I have been teaching English and talking with investigators in English to help them with their school work. Interesting way of teaching, but hey, we do what we can! We have an English lesson tonight at 6:30 with two investigators. One came to church with us yesterday!! We had four investigators in church on Sunday. One has a baptism date scheduled for February 15th ... two days before transfers!!
This week I have studied about marriage and temples a lot. In the Ensign from conference, I have read some talks about the importance of marriage in the temple. I loved Elder Oaks' talk, "No Other Gods." READ IT. I loved it!! I love how our church is centered around marriage and families. It makes me so sad to see so many broken families here. I just want to help them all be happy!!
I thought that the weather was bipolar in Utah...NOPE! It's definitely worse here! We wake up shivering, and freeze during our morning studies. Then when we leave the house at noon, it's so hot that we sweat all afternoon!! Literally! By about 5:30 p.m. we need our jackets because it gets cold at night. And by the time we get home at 9 p.m., it's really cold and we use our gloves and our noses are all rosy and red! So we carry our jackets with us every day while it's super hot. Not exactly ideal, but hey, we gotta do what we gotta do!
What are you all doing to be missionaries now? I would like to challenge you to come up with a mission plan as a family!! Find ways to be every day missionaries. Ask the missionaries in South Jordan for ways you can help them out! We missionaries are always so happy when the members want to help us, and I am sure they would appreciate your help as well!
I love you all so much and pray daily for your well being and safety while I am here serving the Lord. I am so thankful that our family has been sealed in the temple and that we are receiving so many wonderful blessings that come from staying true to the gospel! I love you!
Hermana Oliphant
This is Hard!