Written by Elder Jacob Avery, serving in the Peru Lima West Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, speaking Spanish.
So, this week was the long awaited transfers. Elder Aldana went to Lima and Elder Martinez was sent to save my life. Elder Martinez is a Guatemalteco, about 5'5'', 21 years old (my oldest companion yet), has been out for more than a year, and is a convert of 3 years. He's helped a TON already and has only been here for a week. He gets up on time, talks to everyone, and is really great at inviting the Spirit. I don't have a picture of him yet, but I'm sure you're imagining the wrong guy in your head so stop imagining now.
We have been able to schedule baptismal dates for the two sisters (again? YES!) and they went to Sacrament Meeting. We'll see if they follow through this time, but I'm a little more interested to see how things go with their brother, P**. He had work on Sunday, but I'm making sure he gains a testimony of the Book of Mormon and gets baptized.
One member who has been a terrible alcoholic made a miraculous recovery this week! We were in a member's store talking about where less active members live (can I just say, it'd be a lot easier if house numbers existed....) when this member's daughter came in. I asked her how her dad was and, to my complete shock, she said that he was sober and in the house. We went straight there and found the whole family together. We talked about making plans to get them sealed in the temple, then gave the dad a blessing to resist temptation. I prayed so hard everyday that he would control himself and not drink. We called them and visited them many, many times, and he hasn't drunk yet (or at least not much). They gave a really lame excuse for not going to church, so we visited them on Sunday and thankfully found the dad sober, so we watched The Lamb of God with him. I reminded him that he needs to go to church and talk to the bishop so he can take the sacrament like the Apostles.
Well, that's my week. To sum things up, the Church is true, prayer works, and miracles happen everyday. I love all of you and miss you guys too!! Have a great week!
Elder Avery
Mass Internet Outage (June 3, 2014)
The True Nature of Meat (June 16, 2014)