Well, Mom, this week has been bittersweet.
I have had a fantastic week, but it’s time that I break the news and just get it out of the way. I am leaving Frederiksberg and going to Herning. To tell you a little about his place, it's an area four times the size of the one I am in right now, with about 1/4 the people. The members are said to be amazing. I am way excited, and it will be cool to be a in a branch of 15 active members. I am super excited! It’s going to be way different, so that will be fun.
I am not going to lie though, I will miss this place. I love Frederiksberg. It’s amazing! I have grown so much, and have had the opportunity to get to know so many people and their families. It was way sad to tell the B*** family (name omitted for privacy) at dinner on Friday night. They drew me a picture and brought it to church. It is the cutest little thing ever. I never really understood how much I could love a family that is not even mine. It was way sad to hear them say goodbye. But, on the bright side, Eva (name changed for privacy) told me that I have to promise to come back for a her baptism, which she has not decided on yet. I know it will be soon.
Kevin (name changed for privacy) was pretty upset as well. He said he hates meeting new people, but I know he will be fine. I will be back in two weeks for his baptism. President Sederholm is really good about letting us go to baptisms with those that we have taught before. It was a really good opportunity to serve here. I will miss it a ton, but the Lord needs me to be elsewhere, so that is what I keep thinking of.
When I move, I will be with Ældste Zalewski. He has been in Denmark for about six weeks now, so I will have some really good opportunities to help him out with his Danish, and learn a lot from him. I am super excited.
We had a really great time with the B*** family this week. We ate dinner and had a good lesson afterwards. Melissa (name changed for privacy) was with us. She is a half Dane and half African way cool girl, who got baptized two years ago. She's going to serve a mission soon and is waiting for her assignment to arrive. She invited Eva to be baptized, and again, Eva said yes. Melissa told her about when she was meeting with the Elders before her own baptism. She explained that the missionaries had asked her to aim for a specific date, and she bore testimony about how that helped her focus on what she wanted to do. Eva had a migraine so she really couldn't think that much, but said she will come up with a date soon. Then Elder Francis and I felt that we should ask her if she wanted a blessing. She gladly accepted, and it was a really good blessing. I could tell the Lord is very excited for her, and is very happy with her strength.
The next day, we had a good meeting with Kevin. He told us that he hated that our companionship was being split up, and that he was very sad. Then he told us that he has had a ton on his mind and can’t really focus. We asked him if he wanted to have blessing form our Heavenly Father. He said yes, and we gladly gave him one.
I have come to see how the Lord really knows what we need, and when we need it. While in our appointment with Juliet and her family, she told us of how it was one miracle after another that she got this job, and now she does not need to work Sundays. There are only 24 people that have the position she has in all of Denmark, and on top of that (I'm quoting her words), she is the only one who is African. It's way cool and a great blessing.
I have seen so many miracles here in Frederiksberg, and I know the Lord really does know every one of us individually. He looks out for us and wants us to follow Him. He will help us no matter what.
Troels is the one who added Maren on Facebook. He is one of my favorite members here. He has a favorite quote that I really love, and would like to share:
“Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don't come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come.” - Jeffrey R. Holland
This is so true, it's the same as answer to prayers. I think a lot of times, and especially in my life, it was a matter of "if" He answers, or "will He answer?" But now I know assuredly that it is not a matter of if or will, it's a matter of when He knows it's the right time. We don't know how and we don't know when, but we do know the answers will come.
I am grateful for the opportunity I have to serve a mission. I love it out here, so much! The Lord is very mindful of us. No matter where we are, as long as we will look to Him for guidance, it will come. I know it always comes, no matter what.
Med Meget Kærlighed,
Ældste Madsen
The Lord's Work is Never Bad (October 28, 2013)
In Denmark Trains Magically Split in Half (November 11, 2013)
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After the FCK Victory! |