(**Note to reader: You can click on the highlighted words to link to more information on the topics and phrases Sister Avery mentions in her letter. You can also enlarge the photos by clicking on them.)
Hola familia y amigos!!
Yesterday marked three months in the mission! Can you believe it?! Time has flown by sooo fast! At the end of this transfer (the end of December), I will be 1/4th of the way done! Wow. I am still shocked by the fact that I am here... in Chile... speaking Spanish! Thank you so much for all you guys did to help me to get to where I am today! Each and every one of you has helped me. Thank you SOOO much!!! You are always in my thoughts and prayers!
So, I didn't change areas this transfer! Woohoo! I am still in Ovalle which makes me so happy because we have 13 investigators and three baptisms scheduled for the 24th of November! We contacted over 30 people this week who are interested in learning more about the gospel! Wow! We have so much work to do here. It is great!
I have a new companion! Her name is Hermana Puertas and she is from Lima, Peru! She said it is super possible that Jake is serving in her area! WOW! She is super sweet, and pretty quiet. She is like 4 feet something and super tiny! I feel like a giant with her, and all 5 foot 2 inches of me is not usually giant-like! haha!
Funny story...There is an Elder in our zone from Brazil who is probably about 7 feet tall, and his new companion from Peru is literally 4 feet tall. NO JOKE!! It is SOOOOO funny to see them side by side! I want to take a photo for you! I think we have Zone Conference in a week or two, so I will try to make it happen!
So, we have a friend named Paulina who is getting baptized on the 24th with her mom, Maria! Paulina has a son and lives with her boyfriend of nine years (something interesting about Chile is that not many people actually get married!). Her boyfriend, Luis, has been less active in the church...until NOW! WOO!!! They are getting married on the 22nd of this month! AHHH! It is the coolest thing ever, you guys! Seriously. The Spirit is SO strong when we are in their home. They have such a strong desire to come unto Christ and do what is right! We are throwing a surprise wedding reception for them the night of their marriage! I can't wait! But, I am also super stressed about planning this super teenie wedding! And three baptisms! Whew! Lots of things to do...we are BUSY! But I love it, and I love, love, love being a missionary! This is the best work in the whole world! You have no idea how cool it is to see people come unto Christ, and see them change their lives for the better. To see them get married and later become eternal families?! It's an indescribable feeling!!!! AHH!

Well, I hope you have a wonderful week! We have a super busy week with lots of Family Home Evenings planned, so I should have lots more photos for you next week! I love you all, and miss you sooooo much! I will talk to you soon! Ciao from Chile!!! :)
Con mucho cariño,
Hermana Avery
EeAaRrTtHhQqUuAaKkEe!! (November 4, 2013)
My "Beautiful" Feet (November 18, 2013)
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My new companion, Hermana Puertas! |