Mor (Mom),
Yes, I have been transferred. I am now in Randers. It’s another branch. It's way big though, on the verge of becoming a ward. It's bitter sweet. I really loved Herning, but time goes on and life goes on.
For area number three, my new companion is Elder Brindley. He is way cool and funny. He was in the MTC (Missionary Training Center) with Elder Wilsher, so he is relatively new. Haha, oh yeah, and I am now District Leader, so I have district training every week. It’s going to be fun. I am excited. I'm emailing you late because we do transfers on Mondays now, so we have more time to work throughout the week. I think it's a way good idea, but I will be back on my normal schedule. Anyway, love you.
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Randers kabab - The best in Denmark! |
There should be a baptismal date coming out of Herning pretty quick. We got to meet with I** and it went way good. She talked about a way spiritual experience had, and she said it is just a matter of time now. That was really good to hear.
On Tuesday we had did service with J** and then an appointment with T**. We spoke about the Law of Chastity and it went good. He just wanted to know where in the Bible it says we have to do that. We also talked about the Word of Wisdom, and he pointed out that in the Bible it says that Jesus turned water into wine. So we discussed that, then I pulled up a scripture about Christ being circumcised and said, "So, I guess we all have to be circumcised." He said, "No, no, because times have changed, we don't need to live that way anymore." I explained it's the same with the wine. Times have changed since Jesus lived and what they called wine was actually much closer to what we know as grape juice, and God doesn't want us to drink alcohol. The cool thing was that I had not really known that scripture was there, and never would have thought to use it in that context. I'd have never thought discussing the fact that Christ was circumcised with someone who is not circumcised would help to explain how some things change. But it was a good point, and now he understands.
After that, we went to visit Coach and talked to him for a little while. Then we went to meet with I**. After that is when the phone rang, letting us know I was going to be transferred to Randers. I knew I needed to leave on a positive note, so I called everyone and told them I was leaving, and they all started making appointments with us.
We had two appointments on Wednesday and service for J** on Thursday. He made me a cake to say goodbye. He was celebrating I was leaving, just kidding! He was sad that me and Elder Wilsher won't be his workers anymore, haha!
On Thursday, we had zone training and then we went to play squash, which is way harder than racquetball because you can’t hit it below a line which is a foot high. So all the really good hits in racquetball are illegal. Then you have all these lines you can’t cross and the ball does not bounce. But it was way fun. I beat coach four times. He was mad, haha!
After that, we had Friday appointments. That was the last day I would see Coach, so it was emotional. He kissed me on the cheek, told me that I have touched him a lot, and that we need to stay in touch. He is great. I will miss him. He prayed again! Second time!
Then we had Stake Conference and A** came again this week. So next week he will be considered "reactivated." I am way excited.
Today we have been traveling, but it was a great week. Herning will always have a part of my heart. But it was time, I guess. I will miss Elder Wilsher! He's a great missionary.
Well Mom, I love you. I hope you all have a great week and the cards should be in the mail today, hopefully. It's a rough life out here, just kidding. Just really busy. I have come to understand how the Lord calls us to certain places, and for a specific reason. I was called to Herning, and I don't know why. But I hope I did what the Lord wanted me to do.
I love you! Have a great week.
Med Kærlig Hilsen
Ældste Madsen
Sometimes We Get Side Tracked (March 3, 2014)
First Week in Randers, Denmark (March 17, 2014)