(Note to reader: Some names are omitted for privacy. Highlighted words link to more information.)
Mor (Mom),
Well this week was way good. We had an opportunity to go on splits, and we knocked a ton down in the other area, which was crazy. Half way through, we were prompted to stop knocking and visit one of their investigators who has cancelled on them a couple of times. He was home, and while we talked to him, he said he wants to make an appointment for next week. He told us that he had just stopped smoking, so that was really good to hear. Then we went on knocking our hands off. It's great though. I enjoy talking with people. I just have to make sure I am talking with them, and not to or at them.
When we got back in our own area, we had an appointment with T**. He told us that he will be coming to church this week, so that was way good. We are excited for that. After that we met with Coach and had a great chat about gay relationships.
On the way home, a girl walked on the bus and stared at us (like usual), then she sat down. Three minutes later, she spoke to us in perfect English, saying she is from South Africa and wanted to know the difference between our church and Danish churches. I wanted to say, right off the bat, that we believe people should come to church every week, not just on Christmas, but I refrained. We explained that we believe in the prophets of old, and we believe God still speaks to prophets today. She said, "Well, I have always wondered about that. You know, where the authority went?". A rush of excitement went through my body. I had no idea people knew what that meant, outside of the church, so we gave her our card, told her to give us a call, and said we would love to meet with her and talk about it further. We are waiting to hear from her.
Yesterday we went to visit some of our less active members, and one of them was home and way sick, so we told her we would come back another day. Then we went to Coach's house for Ældste Wilsher's birthday. It was great! Coach prayed out loud, which was the first time in 18 years he has prayed out loud in front of missionaries. We were so grateful, and it was a way good prayer.
The best part of this week was definitely Saturday because it was Elder Wilsher's birthday! The night before, in our planning meeting, we didn’t really have anything lined up and were confused about what we should do. Nothing was really fitting the way it usually does. When we woke up, we went to get pastries because we don’t get them that much and they are amazing...AND it was Elder Wilsher's birthday! After that, we studied, and while getting ready to make lunch the phone rang. It was J**. He asked if had time to come by because he needed help with some tasks his wife needed done. I looked at Elder Wilsher, smiled and said, "Let's get our service clothes on."
J** picked us up and took us to his house. The job was cleaning up the mud from last week. I honestly was not surprised, but it was fun. The whole time, I kept trying to think of what to do when we were finished, but J** kept coming up with "one more thing." At 6 o'clock he said, "Okay, we're good. Thanks for all your help. Let's go get a cake. I think you guys deserve it."
On our way to get cake, I told him that it is was Elder Wilsher's birthday. J** was just beaming, so pleased that Elder Wilsher would give up his birthday to serve a friend in need. Saturday was amazing because I got to watch my companion serve others on his birthday. He is such an example to me! Never complained and didn't say it was his birthday. He just cleaned up the mud and dirt with a smile on his face. I have seen Elder Wilsher grow so much from the first day I got him as a companion to now. He has taught me more than I could ask for, and he is a blessing to serve with. I feel very fortunate to have a great, dedicated, hard working companion who loves the Lord and others so much that he forgets about himself. I love him so much!
I love you all! Have a great week. Gud vær med jer!
Med Kærlig Hilsen
Ældset Madsen
Mud (January 20, 2014)
Kristus (February 3, 2014)
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Elder Madsen :) |