Elder Remund is currently serving in the Virginia Chesapeake Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, speaking Spanish.
Hello everybody!!!
What an eventful week! So, I'm going to start from the beginning at 3 in the morning at the MTC (Provo Missionary Training Center). I woke up, and got ready the fastest I ever have in my whole life. Grabbed all my suitcases and said goodbye to Elder Kiene and a couple more of the Elders from the other district in our zone. Checked in at the office and got on the bus to the airport. Got to call home and talk to everyone at the airport which was so nice! Boarded the plane to Detroit; there were some mechanical errors that they had to fix before we left, so we were there for about 30 more minutes just waiting. We landed in Detroit and I felt humidity for the first time in my life! It feels like hot dishwasher steam, unlike the air from a dryer like in Utah. Crazy!
Here's where everything went loco... We're waiting for the plane to Norfolk, Virginia to arrive at Detroit. Nothing. The flight ended up being cancelled for an unknown reason. Turns out, the whole group of us 26 Chesapeake missionaries were then separated into little groups of 5 and put onto random, connecting flights across the country! Me and four other missionaries were scheduled to go from Detroit to Boston, then Boston to NYC, then NYC to Norfolk, VA. We were supposed to arrive there at 9:00 p.m. instead of 4:00 p.m., as previously scheduled. We flew into Boston around 5 o'clock and talked to one of the ladies at the desk about our situation. She told us there's no way we could get to Virginia that night because of the storms along the East Coast. So, we talked to the ticket counter and they said the next time they could get all five of us on a flight to Virginia was at 7 p.m. the NEXT day. Shoot! We didn't know what to do. We called President Baker, and he said to go ahead with that plan. Thing after thing was happening, but we stayed positive. They let us stay in a hotel for free in East Boston and gave us free transportation and food, so that was a blessing! We showed up at the airport the next day to wait for our flight at 7:00 p.m. that night. Everyone else that was scattered in that Detroit business had showed up in Virginia that morning, so it was just us five missionaries stuck in Boston, waiting for a flight.
About 6:30 p.m., we heard an announcement about how the plane that was supposed to come get us was in Canada and having mechanical problems.... They said the flight was delayed till 9:30 p.m.... We stayed optimistic, despite the fact that we had no change of clothes in our carry on bags, and I had no toiletries! Luckily, there was a travel store that had those items, and I had a good amount of money on my card to keep me alive in the airport. They also paid us $25 because of the delays in the airport, so I got myself a nice Harvard shirt, haha!
Later, they announced that the plane would not leave Canada because the problem was too severe, BUT they would send a plane from Virginia to come pick us up! What a RELIEF! Haha! We flew on a smaller plane over the East Coast and got to see some cool city lights! We showed up in Virginia about midnight and met up with the President and his wife, along with the Assistants to the President (APs). We stayed the night at the AP's house, which is a super nice townhouse. Holy cow! I was so exhausted...Got all dressed up and went to the mission office, had a quick interview, and got my assignment!
I'm serving in a tiny town called Albertson, North Carolina! It's pronounced "Allbursun." Every name out in North Carolina and Virginia is pronounced different than you think! But ya, I get to be out in the country! It is so crazy out here. Gorgeous country, so many trees, lots of tobacco and cotton fields, and almost everyone has a Southern accent! I am IN the South. It's so great!
It's about four and a half hours south from the mission office in Portsmouth, VA! Right at the edge of the mission boundaries. I am speaking basically half Spanish and half English. There are a couple of Spanish families in the ward. They need translations in sacrament meeting, and I have to translate the talks and everything next week! Wish me luck!
Speaking of the ward, everyone's awesome! So kind and hospitable. Everyone is related to each other. "The guy over there is her mom's cousin. And that woman over there is his aunt. Oh, she married into the Harper family! I'm related to the bishop because his wife's mom is my grandma's sister!" It's so funny!!!!
My trainer is Elder Knott! He's from Sandy, UT, and he was originally from the North Carolina Raleigh Mission. He's been out here for a while, so he knows the places. He's awesome!
The little house that Elder Knott and I live in is crazy! It's on member property and it's pretty old. Everyone calls it "The Chicken Coop." Haha! It's really not bad, though. It has a washer, dryer, bathroom, oven, etc. Everything I need to live! It's surrounded by a big, green field and there's so many trees surrounding that field! I'm out in the country!
This week has been just SO awesome! I taught my first member lesson the night I arrived, then I taught my first lesson with an investigating family on Saturday, and yesterday I placed my first Book of Mormon in Spanish! It was crazy! I know it just sounds like a big list of things, but each event was so special and very powerful. Every time I finish talking with someone about the gospel, I walk out feeling so filled with the Spirit and so grateful for this gospel! I am so honored to be a missionary. I had no idea that it would be anything as amazing as this! The people out here are so spiritual and kind to everyone, even if they don't agree with our faith. It's just a different culture out here, and I love it! There are some amazing truth seekers out here. I can't wait for this next week to see how the work unfolds!
Well, I am running short on time! There's so much going on out here, but I want to hear how everyone is doing! Email me, or send a letter to my address:
1019 Seth Turner Road
Deep Run, North Carolina 28525
I am so grateful for all of you, and I just want to share my testimony that I know this is the true church. I know Jesus Christ lives. I know that He made it possible so that all of us can live with Him again, along with our families. Heavenly Father has an amazing plan and we can learn of it everyday in the scriptures to keep us from doubting and fearing our path ahead!
Con mucho felicidad,
Elder Remund!
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Inside "The Chicken Coop"! |
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Elder Dallin Remund - Virginia Chesapeake Mission |