Monday, November 9, 2015

Teaching with Tester-Sister Maren Madsen

Written by Sister Maren Madsen, serving in the Arkansas Little Rock Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, speaking Spanish.  
Hermana Tester and Hermana Madsen

Well this was a pretty good week! Hard to believe that I have only been with Hermana Tester for just four days! Time is something I just will never understand. Hermana Tester is from Alaska and served 10 months of her mission in Mexico. She got sick and had to go home and then got reassigned to the best mission is the world. She actually follow up trained  Hermana

Hermanas Tester, Hudson, Macfarlane, Ponce, Madsen
Hudson and when she got reassigned the transfer she came in was with my generation. We get along pretty well and she has been able to help me understand Spanish and plus she is a bomb teacher. I'm going to learn lots from her. 
  Thursday we set Four dates!! It always shocks me how stuck in the form I am until a new missionary comes into the area and all of a sudden it's easier to see the progressing and of course the growing to love the investigators more like my own. It's a humbling experience. 
   We were able to teach the cousin of one of our investigators (both have decided on baptism the 21 of this month) and that was just a very good lesson. We went into that lesson planning to teach the Law of Chastity and came out with two baptismal dates. It was a memorable experience as we invited Deandra to baptism and she smiled big and you could see something change. Ya know I've realized that I make it all too difficult as I talk myself into the idea that everybody has a counter argument and nobody wants to listen to what a lifelong Mormon girl from Utah has to say because that is all that she knows. When in all actuality nobody even needs to care about me, I am not the issue, and that when I start to think like that my tongue is bound and I cannot fully testify with the power the investigator deserves. (Once again., I hate that satanas) but I am learning how to overcome that and I am hopeful that soon I won't even think twice before being bold and answering questions. Because I am starting to realize how much I let satan influence me. (Seriously.. Hate him) 
ALL the Hermanas in the ALRM Minus 2 
  Missionary work is the most insane experience! But I am loving every minute of it! My testimony grows stronger daily as I read the Book of Mormon. I am lucky to have this book. Also I am eternally grateful to be a member of Jesus Christ's church on earth, and take part in the knowledge it brings! 
Book of Mormon challenge! We started one as a mission on October first to finish before the end of the year. But for Y'all Finish the Book of Mormon before the end of January, this book is changing my life and (my companion and I were talking this morning about this) every time I read the stories something new pops out, it's because the Holy Ghost is so cool and he can personalize ANY situation! Just give him the attention he deserves. Because really he just wants us to return to our Father and I don't know bout y'all but I can use all the help I can get. 
Les quiero mucho y cuidense. 
We found some fish in the road.... Yes ... fish... God has sent all the crazies to the south... I swear.. 
Hermana Maren Madsen
Giant Mushroom!! Nov 2, 2015