Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Sighting!

The news is that Elder Madsen saw Sister Jeppson at the Missionary Training Center (MTC), but she didn't see him! Today is Elder Madsen's preparation day (P-day), so he was able to shoot out a couple of emails. This is the one I received:

April 18, 2013

Thanks for the email. It means a ton. Well, yeah, it's crazy here. Two days in and we have our first discussion in Danish. Crazy town! But we did well and he is "coming to church with us", and we invited him to be baptized. We will see how it goes.

I was asked to be the District Leader, so I have these extra meetings and stuff, but it's great! PLEASE HAVE YOUR BOYS WRITE ME! I want to talk to them.

Jeg Elske Dig,

Elder Madsen